They were a bloody mess.

The opponents were no longer playing by the rules. Intentional blows below the belt brought more hostility than when the fight first began. Illegal head butts between fighters resulted in blurred vision and aching bodies.
The bell sounded signaling the end of the round.
Retreating to their respected corners they longed to rest and regain strength. It had been a long fight. Extended rounds left the rivals weak and flailing in their execution. Yet they refused to give up. Both wished to defeat their rival and become the champion.
The bell rang to begin yet another round…
The fighters stood in the center of the ring. Exhaustion overcame them. Neither opponent threw a punch.
Finally after some time the lightweight made the first move.
“We have to stop this—we’re on the same team.”
Skeptical of this new strategy the heavyweight circled around his opponent making defensive jabs of accusations, criticism, and blame.
The lightweight almost threw in the towel—
But instead made the riskiest move in any fight—
She became vulnerable.
Removing the boxing gloves the lightweight dropped the gloves to the ground, No defense. No protection. No strategy—only vulnerability.
Tears that once masqueraded as sweat flooded the face of the lightweight.
“I don’t like us anymore.”
The heavyweight was hit—straight to the heart.
Hope motivated her next move.
“I want us to be on the same team.”
Something welled up within the heavyweight. Instinctively, he removed and dropped his gloves to the ground. Suddenly, he couldn’t remember why he entered the ring. One thing for sure–it wasn’t a fight worth winning anymore. He reached to embrace his companion—the one he vowed to live for—not fight against.
With boxing gloves kicked aside, the couple embraced new hope as apologies were exchanged and promises made to heal.
Supportive coaches lovingly led them outside the ring—and back into their home, while the judges came to a unanimous decision.
Noting the couple’s unique techniques of attacking pride and defending unity while in the ring gave reason for Father, Son and Holy Spirit to declare them both—
C h a m p i o n s.
Will you drop your gloves?
Will you be vulnerable?
Will you be a Champion?
Here or somewherebe real.
Share your journey.