Just so you know…

There is nothing—


You ever need to do for the Father to be proud of you


~You could flunk geometry twice

~Graduate with a 2.0 GPA

~Date dumb people

~Pledge to love the wrong ones

~Quit jobs without notice

~Get numerous speeding tickets

~Run out of gas perpetually

~Always arrive late

~Burn the dinner

~Forget to make dinner

~Miss your child’s class party

~Hold a grudge

~Wall up your heart

~Stay in your comfort zone


~Allow dishes to pile up

~And laundry to go undone

~Spend more money than you make

~Never finish any of the books you start

~Never make time for the in-laws

~Forget birthdays

~Make “To Do” lists during church

~And hate the very people who love you the most
You could do all this—

And the Father would still be proud of you—

Not for what you did or didn’t do…

But for WHO you are.

And you are His Beloved.

On the journey withyou,

Are you striving toearn God’s favor?

What expectations ofyourself do you need to let go?

Here or somewhere…be real.
Share your journey.
Relevant Worship
Amazing Grace by the Celtic Woman  {Beautiful}
My Dear by BethelMusic/The Loft Sessions (Hunter Thompson)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf7fOnsHW74&feature=fvsr
Your Grace is Enough by Chris Tomlin
God’s grace is enough.
2 Corinthians 12:9